
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Advice from Owlie - Water-Saving Gardener

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
After reading your column on weather-based "smart" irrigation controllers, I have since installed one and noticed a decrease in my water use.  Now, I'm looking for more water-saving tips to use outdoors.  Do you have any tips I can use to continue saving water outdoors?
                                                     Water-Saving Gardener

A: Dear Water-Saving Gardener
I am glad to hear you've installed a weather-based "smart" irrigation controller.  The irrigation controller should help you reduce your monthly water use significantly.  But, if you are still looking for outdoor tips, I suggest avoiding over fertilizing your lawn, as it can increase your water consumption.  Also, aerate your lawn periodically, which allows water to better reach the roots and use a broom or blower to clean leaves from the driveway.  All of these tips can help you save water outdoors.  For more water-saving tips, visit

Best of luck in reducing your outdoor water use, 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Advice from Owlie - Water Conserving Host

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
I am hosting a rather large party at my home, but I am worried about wasting too much water.  I've been using several of your water-saving tips and would not want my hard work to go to waste.  What can I do to be a good host, while still maintaining my low water use goals?
                                                      Water Conserving Host

A: Dear Water Conserving Host
Thank you for working hard to save water.  Parties are not only fun, but can be a great opportunity to use and share water-saving tips with your guests.  Water-saving party tips include serving water only when requested by guests, using compostable plates, cups and utensils and serving food from pots and pans instead of a serving dish, which can help reduce how many dishes need to be washed.  These tips can help you be a great host, while meeting your low water use goals.  To learn more indoor water-saving tips, visit

Good luck with saving water while hosting your party, 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Advice from Owlie - Water Preserving Bather

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
Since we are in a drought, I have reduced the amount of time I spend in the shower.  Although I've reduced the time, I still feel as if I'm wasting water.  What shower tips do you have to help me continue saving water while showering?
Water Preserving Bather

A: Dear Water Preserving Bather
I am glad you have shortened your showers to cut back your water use.  There are plenty of water-saving shower tips to use, but I have a few recommendations.  Some tips include: as you wait for the shower water to heat up, place a bucket in the shower to collect the cold water and reuse it, and install water-saving showerheads that use 2.5 gallons per minute, which can save you thousands of gallons per month.  These tips can help you save water even while showering.  For more water-saving tips, visit

Good luck with your water-saving showers, 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Advice from Owlie - Water Conscious Homeowner

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
Since my family has been using some of your indoor and outdoor water-saving tips, we have saved a significant amount of water.  Although we have been using these tips, we have noticed a lack of water-saving tips for the kitchen.  What are some water-saving tips that can be used in kitchens?
                                                     Water Conscious Homeowner

A: Dear Water Conscious Homeowner
Thank you for using my water-saving tips and continuing to find ways to save water.  There are many water-saving tips you can use for the kitchen.  Some tips to use include watering house plants with water used to rinse fruits and vegetables and scraping food from plates into the trash, instead of a garbage disposal.  These water-saving kitchen tips can help you reach your water-saving goals.  Learn more water-saving tips at

Good luck with saving water in your kitchen activities, 