
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Advice From Owlie - Earth Day


Q: Dear Owlie,
I love attending the Earth Day celebration at the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park with my family and friends every year. Even though there won’t be an Earth Day celebration this year, I want to keep my pledge to be an environmental steward. Can you help me think of ways I can do so? Thanks Owlie!

Eco Hero

A: Dear Eco Hero,
I love celebrating Earth Day at the Wetlands, too! I am so happy to hear you are still honoring your pledge. Here are seven easy ways you can keep your promise to be an environmental steward while still saying safe at home:
  1. Properly recycle paper, plastic, glass and electronics.  
  2. Use water wisely! Run only full loads of laundry or dishes, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth and fix any household leaks. 
  3. Decrease your carbon footprint by walking or riding your bike as an alternate means of transportation. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise!
  4. Conserve energy by turning off all lights and fans when leaving a room.  
  5. Use reusable shopping bags for trips to the store.
  6. Pick up after your pets to prevent any unwanted material from ending up in our oceans.
  7. Spread the word! Encourage others to do their part to make every day Earth Day!
I look forward to seeing you at next year's Earth Day celebration. Until then, stay safe and don't forget to celebrate Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary on April 22!

Talk to you all soo(HOO)n!