
Monday, March 22, 2021

Advice from Owlie - Virtual Field Trips

Q: Dear Owlie,

Last school year, my class and I took a really fun field trip to the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park! Since we are currently doing virtual learning, is there a way for my class to take a virtual field trip instead? I would love to share this information with my teacher!


                                                          Park Pro

A: Dear Park Pro,

I am so glad you asked! Yes, IEUA offers virtual field trips through Owlie’s Virtual Adventures!

Scheduling a virtual field trip is as easy as scheduling one of our in-person field trips (which are not currently offered). First, visit the Owlie’s Virtual Adventures webpage on IEUA’s website and scroll down until you see the option to book a virtual field trip. From there, you will be redirected to a survey where your teacher can choose the type of field trip (fully pre-recorded or a hybrid of pre-recordings with a live Q&A), the activities that best fit their curriculum and grade level as well as the date and time. Once they click submit, a member of our team will reach out to them with any materials or information they might need and then they’re good to go! How coo(HOO)l is that!

I hope to see you and your class in a virtual field trip soon and be sure to come back and let me know how it was afterwards!

Talk to you all soo(HOO)n!
