
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Advice from Owlie – Garden in Every School® Program

Q: Dear Owlie,

A friend of mine told me about a water-wise garden their class recently applied for as part of the Garden in Every School® Program. I’d love to learn more about that program and see if it’s something my class can apply for too! Thanks Owlie!


Garden Guru

A: Dear Garden Guru,

The Garden in Every School® Program is one of my favorite educational programs offered by my friends at the Inland Empire Utilities Agency. I’d be happy to give you some more information!

Since 2004, IEUA has reached over 19,000 students with its award-winning Garden in Every School® program. This program educates students about water-wise usage through a beautiful garden landscape filled with water-wise plants and efficient irrigation!

In order to apply, applicants must first participate in a mandatory introductory workshop. Then, selected applicants are awarded a grant for IEUA to assist in the installation of their water-wise garden! The garden is designed, created and installed through a series of hands-on work sessions with teachers, parents, students, and program staff.

In fact, my friends at St. Joseph School in Upland recently held their own garden dedication ceremony to celebrate the installation of their first water-wise garden! Check out photos of their garden below! It might even give you inspiration for a garden of your own! 😉

I highly encourage you to talk to your teacher about applying for this awesome program. Interested applicants can visit IEUA’s website for more information!

Talk to you all soo(HOO)n!
