
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Advice from Owlie - Recent Water Saver

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
I'm fairly new to your column, but I'm already using some of your tips for saving water.  A few weeks ago, you wrote about some tips for saving water in the kitchen.  Do you have any more water-saving tips I can use in my kitchen?  
Recent Water Saver

A: Dear Recent Water Saver
Welcome to my column and thank you for using these water-saving tips.  Since the previous column entry, I have started using several new water-saving tips in my kitchen.  Specifically, when hand washing dishes, fill one sink with soapy water then quickly rinse dishes under a slow-moving stream from the faucet.  Other tips include soaking pots and pans instead of scraping with running water and defrosting food in the refrigerator or with the defrost setting on microwaves, instead of with running water.  These kitchen tips can help you reach your low water use goals.  To learn more water-saving tips, visit

Good luck with these new water-saving tips for your kitchen, 

Advice from Owlie - Water Wise Researcher

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
Since researching ways to conserve water, I have started to run out of indoor water-saving ideas.  Decreasing my water consumption has become a nonstop goal, and I need your help to continue saving water.  What are some indoor tips I can use to lower my water use?
Water Wise Researcher

A: Dear Water Wise Researcher
I am glad to hear that you've been researching water conservation tips.  There are plenty of tips to use from my weekly column, but I do have some additional indoor tips you  may use.  Indoor tips that can save water include taking showers as soon as other people are done, which reduces time spent waiting for water to get warm, reusing towels at home to reduce the amount of times you need to do laundry and using only one glass or reusable bottle per day for your drinking needs to reduce the amount of dirty dishes.  These tips combined can help you continue saving water.  Learn more tips to save water at

Good luck in putting these water-saving tips to use, 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Advice from Owlie

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
My brother and I have been reading your column for three months and have been using your tips around the house.  Since these tips have been decreasing my parents' water use, they've given us the task of looking for more water-saving tips to use around our house.  Do you have any tips for us to use to help our family save water?
Water Preserving Youngster

A: Dear Water Preserving Youngster
I am happy to hear that you have been helping your parents save water.  The tips that you and your brother have been using are already making a difference in your parents' water use.  There are other tips you can use to help, which include not pre-rinsing your dishes if your parents have a newer dishwasher, since the newer models clean dishes more efficiently and reusing water that has been used to steam vegetables and make pasta, which can be used to water house plants or act as a base for soup.  Be sure to visit for more water-saving tips.

Good luck in using more water-saving tips to help your parents use less water, 