
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Advice from Owlie

Advice from Owlie

Q: Dear Owlie, 
My brother and I have been reading your column for three months and have been using your tips around the house.  Since these tips have been decreasing my parents' water use, they've given us the task of looking for more water-saving tips to use around our house.  Do you have any tips for us to use to help our family save water?
Water Preserving Youngster

A: Dear Water Preserving Youngster
I am happy to hear that you have been helping your parents save water.  The tips that you and your brother have been using are already making a difference in your parents' water use.  There are other tips you can use to help, which include not pre-rinsing your dishes if your parents have a newer dishwasher, since the newer models clean dishes more efficiently and reusing water that has been used to steam vegetables and make pasta, which can be used to water house plants or act as a base for soup.  Be sure to visit for more water-saving tips.

Good luck in using more water-saving tips to help your parents use less water, 