Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Advice from Owlie – World Water Week

Hi Owlie,

I just learned that this month we are celebrating World Water Week! Can you tell me more about it so I can tell all my friends and family! How can we get involved?


Water-wise Warrior

Hi Water-wise Warrior,

So glad you're excited to learn about world water week! It’s going to be a total Hoot! World Water Week began in 1991, when Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) first introduced this week-long convention. According to SIWI, they are responsible for creating content and hosting an annual conference to discuss water-related topics, development and climate. They work together to raise awareness of the importance of water conservation. Kind of like my friend Wally and I do with all of you!

There are plenty of ways for you to participate as well! You can do simple things at home like educating yourself on water conservation and environmental stewardship! You can do this by playing waterwise games, reading educational books, watching documentaries or your local news, and especially by getting involved with your local water partners. This way you can learn various cool facts that you can share with your family and friends so they can be environmental stewards too!

Being mind-full of our water is key, friends. Try new habits like turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, and reusing water when you can to do things like water our plants instead of letting that water go to waste!

These are both things you can do year-round to help conserve water! Here at the Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park (CCW), we are always working towards responsible water use and conservation. We do this through the natural filtration of water in our ponds, planting California native and drought resistant plants, and of course using recycled water throughout the Park!

Thank you so much for being an environmental steward and participating in World Water Week, and don't forget to share everything you’ve learned with your friends and family!



P.S. Remember that purple pipes mean recycled water, do you see purple pipes in your neighborhood?